
Support center +91 78910 11884

Get in touch

  • +91 78910 11884
  • info@yortech.Ai
  • Registered Office
  • 402, Aarya Epoch, Vijay Cross Road, OPP. Passport Office, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India - 380009.
  • Head Office
  • 1/4 Keira Street, Clyde north vit-3978 Melbourne, Australia
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AngularJS Development Company

Want to develop a powerful app with AngularJS? YORtech is a leading Angular development company that offers cost-effective Angular web app development solutions.

  • + Up-To-Date Solutions
  • + Talented Developers
  • + Result Driven Results
  • + Cross-Platform
  • + Data Binding Capability
  • + All In One Framework
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Mobile Angular UI

Twitter Bootstrap and AngularJS are used in Mobile Angular UI, which is an open-source framework. We use it to create visually appealing HTML5 Apps that function well.


LumX is a responsive front-end platform based on AngularJS and Google Material Design that makes it easier to design applications. Furthermore, it makes ‌developing custom app easier.


YORtech developers choose Radian, an open-source JavaScript framework that provides two-way binding over HTML elements and supports custom HTML features.


We at YORtech are devoted to developing Apps in the shortest time possible. Suave UI's library assists us in this process by providing a lightweight web server and combinators for modifying route flow and task creation.

Angular UI Bootstrap

We're experts in Angular UI bootstrap, and we use it to create patterns for creating attractive and logical apps. Additionally, this framework makes it easier to change the project's colors, size, fonts, and layout.


We adopt webstorm as a development platform for coding in JavaScript and to tackle stressful things with ease as an experienced AngularJS web app development company.

Why Do We Lead in Providing AngularJS Development services?

YORtech is a leading AngularJS development services provider, offering comprehensive solutions to meet the unique needs of businesses. We have a team of highly skilled designers and developers to deliver top-quality solutions that drive innovation and enhance user experiences.

We blend our industry-rich expertise with the customer-centric approach to help businesses achieve the desired results for our end customers.

Our Range of AngularJs Development Services

We are a reputable AngularJS Web App Development Company that supports business of all sizes by delivering outstanding AngularJS web app services
AngularJS UI/UX Design

We design and create feature-rich and powerful web-based apps using AngularJS, giving your applications the leverage of top frontend technologies. We have developers that have been trained to code and optimize complicated web apps for a smoother experience.

Angular Front end Development

AngularJS, which is backed by Google, makes front-end app development easier by offering a robust framework and precise standards. We build full-featured, dynamic UI components for web application front-ends as the top AngularJS web app development company.

Real-time App Development

We now have a plethora of apps that have real-time capability. Our developers are experienced in leveraging the power of AngularJS to develop real-time, feature-rich apps that meet the needs of clients & users.

Cross-platform Web Apps

AngularJS is a platform-agnostic framework. Building cross-platform Apps is simple because of its two-way data binding, DOM manipulation, and better server speed. YORtech specializes in Angular development services that use AngularJS and other technologies like HTML5, Java, and others to create cross-platform apps.

Dedicated Angular Teams

Our devoted AngularJS team will undertake thorough testing of your AngularJS programs as an experienced AngularJS web app development company.

Angular Migration & Upgradation

If you're seeking the best AngularJS web app development company to assist you in converting your application code base to AngularJS, you've come to the right place. We can perform it quickly and efficiently at a low cost!

Frequently Asked Questions

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The time it takes to construct your app is characterized by a set of factors. AngularJS development might take anywhere from one to four weeks, depending on your needs.

Yes. We focus on providing a team of dedicated developers who completely grasp your project’s requirements and come up with amazing app concepts.

Yes, why not? You can migrate a current app to AngularJS.

The scale of the project and the features, for example, determine how much effort is required to create an application. Our specialists can provide you with a more accurate estimate of the cost of your project.

Yes, we have a distinct team of professionals dedicated to providing post-development services. Our services include 3 months of support and maintenance at no additional charge. For any problems you might encounter, simply contact our experts.

Work with us

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